Tomáš Pospíšek's Notizblock

popularity of desktop environments on Debian


task-desktop -dep-> task-kde-desktop      -dep-> kde-standard -dep-> kde-plasma-desktop
                  | task-xfce-desktop     -dep-> xfce4 -dep-> xfwm4 
                  | task-gnome-desktop    -dep-> gnome-core
                  | task-lxde-desktop     -dep-> lxde
                  | task-mate-desktop     -dep-> mate-desktop-environment
                  | task-cinnamon-desktop -dep-> cinnamon-desktop-environment -> cinnamon-core

I've looked at a few other DE's: icewm, lxqt, .. but their install base is smaller by an order of magnitude.

Update: Some stats from Arch

Tomáš Pospíšek, 2019-11-15
